
Burlington VFW gets a facelift

Olivia Lyons - WCAX Reporter - 8/1/2019

BURLINGTON, Vt. (WCAX) The VFW in Burlington is getting a facelift thanks to a $15,000 grant from Home Depot.

Forty volunteers from Home Depots in Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Canada are updating the banquet room, bathrooms, kitchen and the exterior of the building. The walls and ceilings are getting a fresh coat of paint. They're installing new cabinets, a refrigerator and countertops in the kitchen. Plus plumbing and the women's bathroom are being brought up to code.

Members of the VFW are very excited to see the changes.

"I'm very grateful for Home Depot, for everything they've done. And not just us, they've done it to I don't know how many VFWs across the country. It's a great feeling. I'm very proud of the post, I'm very proud of the people," said Robert Colby of the VFW

"It's a great feeling. It's a really wonderful way to give back and help out the community and it's nice to see everybody laughing and having fun," said April Bean of the Home Depot.

The upgrades are all to make the VFW accessible and comfortable for everyone. The work wraps up Friday.
Retrieved on 8/1/2019 from:


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